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Do Flavored Condoms Taste Good? Updated

by Bill Haney December 08, 2020

With so many new flavored condoms, even Bacon, is there really one that tastes good?

Do Flavored Condoms Taste Good?

Revised - 12-08-2020

Okay people...really?? I am only going to say this once,... condoms taste like condoms. for almost 20 years people have been calling our phone lines and making jokes about flavored condoms. "Do you sell flavored condoms?" yes "Oooh I bet their really yummy, do they taste better before or after they are used?" Everyone's a comedian, or at least they think. Don't worry, we have heard them all, I mean after 20 years in the condom business, do you really think you know a condom joke we haven't heard?

Condom Flavours

Ok so the real answer, I would guess, depends on your palette. Even though they come in a huge variety of flavors, Condoms are not going to taste like filet mignon, they might taste more like bacon actually. Yes there are bacon flavored condoms believe it or not. Condoms won't taste like Lobster, sushi, or Tiramisu either, they are pretty limited in the taste department due mainly to the manufacturing process. It's actually not the condoms themselves that are flavored but the lubricant or powder that is applied to the condom during production of the succulent jimmies.

The condom flavors that are indeed available are as follows, Mint, Banana, Cola, Strawberry, Chocolate, Grape, Apple, Orange, Vanilla, Pina Colada, Cherry Sunrise, Passion Daiquiri and yes Bacon. Our staff pick for the best flavor would have to be the new Skyn Cocktail cub condoms inspired by famous cocktails. These condoms are made with a synthetic non-latex material so there is no latex smell undertones 

The ingredient, glycerin, found in most flavored condoms is responsible for the flavoring or taste. It is a sweet sugar based ingredient that doesn't agree kindly with women's delicate under parts. Sugar/glycerin can thro off the PH balance of a woman's vagina which drastically increases the chance for developing a yeast infection. And we all know what that means...right guys?

Why Condoms are Flavoured?

In short, I would recommend only using flavored condoms for oral sex, which in my opinion is all they are really good for anyway. The flavors help mask the latex taste and smell that standard condoms usually have. Oral sex without a condom is not a wise idea unless you know your partner very well. Unprotected oral sex can transmit HIV/AIDS and other STI's.

There are alternatives to flavored condoms as well. You can always buy a non-lubricated condom and add your own flavored lubricant and Walla you now have your very own "Custom Flavored Condom" and if your lubricant is ph balanced and women friendly this condom can go all the way if you know what I mean.

Another thing to remember is most flavored condoms, although made for taste, are not abundant in different sizes. In other words, you get what you get and that is basically a standard size straight walled condom with a reservoir end. No bells and whistles on these tasty treats just flavors. colors and scents. The condom manufacturers we offer in the taste bud department are Trustex, Durex, Skyn, Maxpro and JD's

Bottom line, if you're looking to add some fun to your bedroom escapades by all means try out some flavoured condoms...they won't thrill the taste buds but they will add to the blindfold game "Guess which flavor" and "hide the banana" lol - Stay Safe and let the good times Roll

Bill Haney
Bill Haney


Bill is President / CEO of RipNRoll Inc. and a regular contributor at Entrepreneur, Businessman and Father, Bill has kept up his goal of "Protecting the Planet one condom at a time" since 1996

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